Reasons not to vote for a presidential ticket including Sarah Palin:
- Inexperience. Far more than Obama. First term governer of a fairly small (in population) and isolated state, and before than mayor of a city of less than 10,000 residents. The first time she ever left the country was in 2007. When asked a few months ago about the vice-presidency, she said that before she could answer someone would have to tell her what a vice-president actually does.
- She believes in abstinence-only sex education, believing that anything else encourages teenagers to have sex. She has a 17-year old daughter who is pregnant (Update:It's all okay now, since she's marrying the guy. Look, he even tattood her name on his finger! It must be true love), yet still thinks that this is a good idea.
- On the issues: A 'real' conservative, she's against abortion, even in cases of rape or incest, supports the teaching of intelligent design, etc.
- Character. This is a purely personal judgment, but still. The event that sticks in my head is when her most recent child was born, the one who has Downs'. Her waters broke while she was in Texas on a speaking engagement, but instead of going to a hospital, she took her commercial flight to anchorage, and then drove a few hours to a different city to go to the hospital there. Total time taken: about 8 hours. And then she named him 'Trig'.
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